Save Oak Flat from devastation—

Both Arizona senators are trying to give away the nation’s richest copper deposit—worth up to $200 billion—to the Brits, Australians and Chinese. No Federal taxes, no royalty, no NY stock exchange! The copper is under public land, Oak Flat campground, which was protected from destruction by Presidential Order of Eisenhower in 1955. [PLO 1229] Further, it is land that is sacred to both the Yavapai and Apache Nations of Arizona. Apache Leap is the site where some 65 warriors leapt to their death rather than be captured by the U.S. Calvary. Nearby Devil's Canyon is a sacred place for the Native Americans. The canyon is a riparian treasure providing a home for numerous bird, tree and plant species. [Recent survey of flora and fauna.] It is also a hiker's and rock climber's paradise. But these facts have not stopped the Arizona politicians. Currently, a request has been sent to the Forest Service Chief requesting an inventory and data on how they are protecting forests in Arizona. [Letter to FS] We do not need new mining jobs in Superior, at the present time (Jan. 2011), there are 41 mining jobs open within a 25 mile radius. [Current jobs] Please write President Obama and request that he continue to protect this unique, historical land from destruction. Contact the President: [Note: If the link does not work, paste the address in the browser] It would be a good idea to send both the e-mail form and a regular postal letter.

Two letter samples: Letter to President

Two photo albums:

Save Our Trees
Signs of Wildlife at Oak Flat
